Egg Temperas 2008 To Present

Iris for Rose Iris for Rose
A Last Sunrise A Last Sunrise
Through the Picture Plane Through the Picture Plane
Petal not Seed Petal not Seed
Baobabble Baobabble
Baths of Cathaii Baths of Cathaii
Foulard Foulard
Snow Scale Snow Scale
Massenzio Massenzio
The Library The Library
When the sea reached Assis When the sea reached Assis
The Secret of the Sphin The Secret of the Sphin
Sleeping Orchids Sleeping Orchids
Sea Battle Egg Temp Sea Battle Egg Temp
Place de la Concorde Lomé Togo Place de la Concorde Lomé Togo
Phaedre I Phaedre I
Parable Parable
Mystic trialogue Mystic trialogue
Merger Merger
Maison du Roi Maison du Roi
Le Grand Baobab Le Grand Baobab
La sorcière de Bé La sorcière de Bé
Kyklops Kyklops
Interior Interior
Dimanche de Lomé á la Plage Dimanche de Lomé á la Plage
Clear-eyed virtues Clear-eyed virtues
“Little knots” “Little knots”
Francis’ Installation Francis’ Installation